This summer, your community is invited to take part in an exciting opportunity to taste vibrant and innovative Torah teachings from Jerusalem. This coming fall marks the opening of the “Jerusalem Center for Transformative Torah and Therapy” - a uniquely Jewish setting for personal growth and transformation, right in the heart of Jerusalem.
In conjunction with the opening of the Center we will be doing a “Transformative Torah Tour”. The tour offers experiential Torah classes, seminars and entertainment which reveal the powerful meeting points between Jewish texts and each of our most intimate lives.
The tour offers several components, tailored to the needs and desires of your community:
-An array of classes taught by Rabbi Hillel and Chaya – for the community at large, for children, for lay leaders and for Jewish educators.
-A Performance Art Show: “Babel's Daughter: From the Bible Belt to the Holy Land”. An audience-engaged evening of spoken-word performance art and a participatory journey of Torah learning for all.
-A full Shabbat experience including joyous prayer, Torah study and meditation classes.
About the Show: “Babel's Daughter: From the Bible Belt to the Holy Land”. A show that traces the cosmic, sometimes-comic, always-poetic, spiritual journey of a young woman from the Mississippi Delta to the hills of Jerusalem. The show is entertaining and inspirational as well as educational, offering a dynamic synthesis of spoken-word performance art with audience-engaged Torah learning. This show will not just entertain you, it will guide you on your own journey of Torah learning and spiritual awakening!
About the classes: All classes are offered by Rabbi Hillel and Chaya Lester. Choose from a range of topics including Jewish Healing & Meditation, Transformative Torah and Expressive Arts, Conscious Community Building, Personal Calling, Revelation, Women's Voices, Hodesh Av and the Broken Tablets. We also offer trainings for lay leaders and educators in the Transformative Torah approach as well as programming for Children & Teens.
(Please read below for bios for R'Hillel and Chaya as well as a more detailed list of classes.)
We are currently booking events for the months of July and August of 2011. Please contact us for more information and check out the library of writings and videos on this website for a fuller sense of what we have to offer.
Thank you for your interest!
And if we don't see you in America this summer, come visit us in Israel!
R'Hillel and Chaya Lester
- Chaya Kaplan-Lester is a Jewish educator, psychotherapist and writer. She has taught and inspired thousands through her unique classes and writings. Synthesizing Torah, psychology and the arts, Chaya has sculpted an innovative new approach to personal transformation & healing in a Jewish framework. Her writings are popular across all denominations and can be found weekly on the Jerusalem Post as well as in an array of online forums, books and magazines. Chaya's work reveals how ancient Jewish wisdom can be deeply relevant and readily applicable to our 21st-century lives.
- Hillel Lester is a Rabbi, therapist and avid teacher of Jewish texts and meditation. He received Rabbinic Ordination from Jerusalem's Sulam Yaakov Yeshiva and is currently a Fellow and teacher with the Isralight Institute in the Old City of Jerusalem. He is a therapist trained in both Narrative Therapy and Jewish Spiritual Counseling. Hillel teaches a penetrating and Torah-centered approach to personal growth and transformation.
R'Hillel and Chaya live in Jerusalem with their 3 children and are co-founders of the Jerusalem Center for Transformative Torah & Therapy.
Further Class offerings:
1. An Experiential Introduction to Transformative Torah. In this class we explore the Talmudic “Pardes Story” through vivid avenues of experiential learning such as bibliodrama, movement, and creative writing.
2. “The Miriam Code”: Torah-Based Tools for communication and conscious community building. This class offers tools and teachings based on Miriam's song at the Sea. The goal is to enhance relationships and create sacred community
3. Transformative Torah-learning on the Parsha: This class uses biblio-drama, writing and expressive arts to bring the weekly Torah reading and characters to life, revealing how Torah can directly impact each of our lives.
4. Series of classes and seminars on a range of themes including Jewish Healing, Torah-based tools for communication and relationship-building, Jewish Meditation, Hodesh Av and the Broken Tablets, Shadow, Eating, Calling, Revelation, Women's Voices.
5. Training educators and lay leaders in the Transformative Torah approach
6. Programming in Transformative Torah for Children & Teens.
All of these classes can be done in time frames that best fit your communities' needs, from hour-long classes to three-hour long seminars.